Being Humble the Right Way - 30 Verses For 30 Days 19/30

Salamun alaykum wa Rahmatu Allah, dear brothers and sisters, and welcome to the 19th tafsir clip of this month of Ramadan. In this clip InshaAllah we will be delving into certain verses from Surat ul-Furqan, that is verse 64, 63 through 65 of Surat ul-Furqan. The Verses are Verses that we might have heard before, we are very familiar with these Verses, because in these Verses, Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala, He is describing for us how His special servants carry themselves, how they walk, how they talk, how they behave.

In particular, when it comes to those other servants of Allah who are ignorant, they might say something out of ignorance towards them, maybe they disrespect them, maybe they mock them, whatever the case may be. Allah, Subhana wa Ta'ala, says: these special servants of mine, when they come across the ignorant servants, "qalu Salama" (25:63), they walk away, and they don't even bother with it too much. They just say, Peace from us to you. We have no animosity against you, what you are saying is out of ignorance and they move on.

But then the Verse explains that after they move on, there is an interaction or a conversation they have or a Du'a that they have with Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala. And this Du'a that they have after dealing with the ignorant servant is very telling. So the verses start out like this: "Wa 'ibadu ar-Rahmani alladhina yamshuna 'ala al-ardhi hawnan, wa idha khatabahum al-jahiluna qalu salama" (25:63). Our special servants are those who when they walk and they come across the ignorant servants of God, all us say, Peace from us to you. No animosity, they carry on.

"Wa alladhina yabituna li Rabbihim sujjadan wa qiyama" (25:64), those who do such that and they are praying to Allah, Subhana wa Ta'ala. And then the verses say: "Wa alladhina yaquluna: Rabbana 'srif 'anna 'adhaba Jahannam" (25:65), those same servants, they say, Ya Allah, make sure that we don't end up in the Hellfire.

The beautiful point in these Verses is this: when these servants turn away from the ignorant servants, they don't assume that they are better. They don't assume that, yes, I am going to turn away, but I am going to turn away because I have such a high status in the eyes of God. You are an ignorant servant of God. There is a particular way that they turn away. In other words, there is a special way to be humble.

Sometimes people act humble, but their humility truly stems from them seeing themselves at a higher level. He sees himself at such a high level, he says, oh, this servant, I shouldn't even be talking to him, and he turns away from him. This is not true humility.

True humility is I turn away and I say, I am doing this because Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala, told me to turn away. At the same time, I don't believe I am better. I don't believe like I am walking on water. These servants of God, when they turn away, they don't walk away and say, this person, he is not even practicing. This person, he is ignorant, how dare he speak to me? They turn away and then they themselves admit, Ya Allah, I am in need of Your mercy.

Some of us who act humble, deep down we have this concept of 'Ujb, inside of us, means that the reason why we turn away from what someone is saying, for example, is not because we are super humble, it is because we see ourselves at such a high level where we say I shouldn't even associate myself with this person.

That is not the right way to be humble. If you are humbled the right way at the end of the day you will feel the need to have the Mercy of Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala, shower upon you.

"Wa alladhina yaquluna: Rabbana 'srif 'anna 'adhaba Jahannam" (25:65). Our Lord! We are your special servants right. Whatever they are, they are wonderful people, but still they feel the need to ask Allah, Subhana wa Ta'ala, to make sure that they do not deal with the punishment of Hellfire.

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