In this text, Shaheed Dastghaib has presented arguments, verses and traditions concerning Barzakh. He briefly discussed the soul of a human, the aftermath of death, the grave and the rewards and punishments in Barzakh.
- Barzakh (Purgatory)
- Punishment in Barzakh for Non-Fulfillment of the Rights of Others
- Sin, which Makes One Eligible for Chastisement in Barzakh
- Three Rights
- Insulting a Scholar and Severe Chastisement
- Asking the Forgiveness of Neighbors at the Time of Death
- Imam Ali (a.s.) and the Jew Travel Companion
- Siraat Bridge and Hell
- Siraat is a Bridge over Hell
- On the Siraat Bridge for Three Thousand Years
- Light of Belief and Deeds and the Siraat Bridge
- How to Traverse the Long Dark Path without Any Light?
- Siraat Bridge is Perceptive
- A Terrible, but True Dream
- Who can Remain Steadfast on the Straight Path all the Life?
- Explanation of Thinner than a Strand of Hair and Sharper than a Sword
- Everyone would be Caused Distress by Hell
- Reality of the Hereafter Cannot be Imagined
- Hell
- The Fire of Hell says Amen on the Supplication of the Believer
- The Hell says that There is Space for More
- Different Levels of the Chastisement of Hell
- Color of Hellfire
- Zaqqum Hanzal is Bitterer than Neem
- Boiling, which even Melts the Flesh of the Face
- Believers are Certain
- The Garment of Hell would be of Fire
- Entreaty of Imam Ali (a.s.)
- Some Examples of the Chastisement of Hell
- Maces of Hell on Heads of the Inmates of Hell
- People of Submission will not go to Hell
- Hard Bodies like Hearts
- In the Hereafter
- If Paradise and Hell are Present, Where are they?
- Creation of Lady Zahra (s.a.) from the Apple of Paradise
- Perpetuity in Hell - Special Feature of Hell Inmates
- Bashir and Mubashshir are same Nakir and Munkir
- Faces will be Raised According to Deeds
- Chastisement of Hell is in Addition to Worldly Punishment
- Dream of a Hell Inmate
- The Dead Request the Living
- I Free the Slave Girls so that I may not go to Hell
- There is Nothing, but Fear in Barzakh
- If only I Pass Over the Siraat Bridge
- Divine Fire in the Grave of Yazid
- Effulgence for the Reality of the Grave
- Three Groups Harboring Many Hopes
- Womb and Barzakh
- Capturing of the Soul
- Three Things Would be Very Useful in Barzakh
- Squeeze of the Miserly Inmate of Barzakh
- Porter in the world and King in the Hereafter
- Flame shoots up from the Grave
- Restraining Anger is like cooling the Fire
- Concealed Charity and Weeping due to Fear of Chastisement
- Following of Selfish Desires Would Make one Fall Far Away from the Siraat Bridge
- The Sinner is the Real Usurper
- Hell for the Enemy of Ali (a.s.)
- The Follower of Ali (a.s.) Would not Remain in Hell
- Imam Ali (a.s.) is Having the Keys to Paradise and Hell
- Great Personalities Terrified of the Nakedness of Judgment Day
- Dispersed Locusts
- Those Who are not Distressed
- Chastisement of Qiyamat is Most Severe
- Demanders of Rights and Qiyamat
- Testimony of the Parts of the Body
- Fire for the Sinners
- They Lose the Path of Salvation
- Taste the Fire of Hell
- The Dispersed Parts of the Body Would be gathered on Judgment Day
- Life under the Surface of Earth after Death
- Why People of Hell were Created in the First Place?
- The Actual Aim is to Widen Mercy and Grace
- Umar Saad and Call of Shaitan
- Death is an Example of Divine Power
- Letter of Imam Husain (a.s.) to Bani Hashim
- Harkening to the Entreaty of the Mourner of Imam Husain (a.s.) in Barzakh
- Under the Shade of Imam Husain (a.s.) on Judgment Day
- Blowing of the Soul after Creation
- Chastisement on the Fornicator in Barzakh
- Foul Odor from the Fornicator on Judgment Day
- I Fear for You Regarding Barzakh
- Tomorrow, Instead of Tears you will Weep Blood
- They Decide about the Journey of Barzakh Before Only
- Divine Gift in the Court of Imam Husain (a.s.)
- An Edifying Occasion for Prophet Hizqil
- The Ultimate End is Only Two Handfuls of Dust
- Visitation of the Graves is for Your Own Sake
- Lady Zahra (s.a.) on the Graves of Uhad Martyrs
- Barzakh
- Barzakh
- Facsimile world and the facsimile body
- Halfway between Reward and Punishment
- Facsimile World and the Facsimile Body
- Picture in the Mirror, with Two Stipulations
- All Food Articles and Fruits Combined in Only One Thing
- The Degree of Effects
- A Man in the Grave Who Hosted Others
- Reward of Fair dealing and Offering Prayers in Time
- Lasting Pleasure in the Realm of Barzakh
- A Cloak Full of Rice in the Valley of Peace
- Animals Hear the Voice of the Dead
- Cries Raised by a Hashimi Murderer in his Dream
- Advice of a Perfumer and Demand by a Jew of His Trust
- Can Such Things be Denied Absolutely
- Three Kinds of News
- There is no Logical Argument against Resurrection
- Burial of Fatima Bint Asad, Mother of Amirul Momineen (a.s.)
- Fatima Bint Asad was much Fearful about the Events after Death
- Effectiveness of Soul in Physical Body
- The Body of Shaykh Sadooq Found Fresh
- The Fresh Body of Hurr and the Handkerchief on his Head
- A Suckling Babe in the Grave of Abu Ja’far Kulaini (r.a.)
- Fire of Barzakh Leaps out of a Grave
- Fire Hotter than the Fire of this World
- Lightning is the Biggest Fire in the World
- Those Who do not Experience Fear
- Death at a Time of the Descent of Mercy
- Two Green Branches and Testimony of Forty Persons
- Prophet Dawood did not Offer Burial Prayer for a Worshipper
- Testimony of Believers by Dust of Kerbala on the Shroud of Allamah Majlisi (r.a.)
- The Good Deeds which Reach the Dead after Death
- Numerous Gifts as Reward of Charity on behalf of the Dead
- Request of the Dead to the Living
- Barzakh is Veiled in this World
- The Realm of Barzakh Encircles this World
- Souls are Friendly with One Another and Please One Another
- The Valley of Peace is the Station of the Spirits of the Faithful
- Nearness to Amirul Momineen Ali (a.s.) Attainable through Knowledge and Virtues
- A Dead Body brought from Yemen to Najaf Ashraf
- One Who gave Shelter to Locusts Around His Tent
- Close Relation between the Soul and the Grave
- Reflection of Sunrays in a Mirror
- Why no Reward or Punishment is Given to this Earthly Body?
- Every Soul has Two Kinds of Bodies
- The Soul is either Punished or Rewarded
- Reward and Punishment in Barzakh
- Quranic Description of Reward and Punishment in Barzakh
- In Comfort or in Pain so long as Days and Nights Endure
- Habib Najjar in the Paradise of Barzakh
- Hard Life and Punishment in the Grave
- Personality of Man Due to his Spirit or Soul
- Paradise in Barzakh for the Content Soul
- Rewards and Punishments of Barzakh as Mentioned in Reports and Traditions
- Faces in Barzakh would be like People’s Faces in this World
- New Arrivals Questioned About Others
- Spirits Meet their Worldly Relatives and Friends
- The Pool of Kauthar in Barzakh
- Kauthar and Hameem at the Moment of Death
- Barhut - A Sample of Hell in Barzakh
- Reason Perceives Resurrection and Good and Evil
- Decrease or Increase of Intellectual Reason
- What have you Prepared for Your Hereafter?
- Paradise of Barzakh and Paradise of Qiyamat
- Doubt about Barzakh
- Dream is a Small Example of Barzakh
- Death Terminates the Relationships
- Only Actions Would be Present With You in Barzakh
- Be Patient on the Command of Allah
- Your Soul Asks for Nourishment in Barzakh
- O Supporter of Religion, Come to Barzakh Paradise
- Human Soul Exposes Realities in Barzakh
- No Light Would Shine in Barzakh, Except the Elegance of Muhammad
- A Point Regarding Grave and Barzakh
- In Relation to Barzakh, Qiyamat is Waking Up from Sleep
- A House, Which Murdered its Occupants
- A Miracle of Imam Musa Kazim (a.s.) Regarding Barzakh
- Questions about Barzakh
- Good Traits of Character are Beautiful Forms in Barzakh
- Dog on the Bier
- Character of Man in Barzakh
- Salaam (Safety) is Also a Name of God
- Widening of Grave and Barzakh
- We will Plead Even if We are Involved in the Darkness of Grave
- The Honor of Imam Husain (a.s.) Would be Seen in Barzakh and Qiyamat
- Barzakh and Saiqar, Worlds of the Life
- Celebration of the Entry of Believer in Barzakh
- Chastisement of Barzakh According to the Sin
- Punishment for a Year in Barzakh for Non-Fulfillment of Rights of Others
- Punishment of Usurers in Barzakh
- The World of Barzakh
- Characteristics of the Hereafter have Nothing to do With Intellect
- Does a Dead Body Talk?
- Talking is not Limited to the Tongue
- Death
- Death: The First Station
- What is Death?
- The Soul Neither Enters the Body nor Gets Out of it
- How the Soul is Taken
- Who causes Death? God, Israel or the Angels?
- The Lord of the Universe has fixed Some Causes for Death
- Appearance of Israel according to the Deeds of the Dying Person
- Arrival of Angels and Satans at the Time of Death
- Comfort and Discomfort at the Time of Death
- Sometimes Discomfort at the Time of Death Redeems Sins
- Comfort on Deathbed, Reward of Good Deeds of the Dying Disbeliever
- Confiscating a Disbeliever’s Soul Through Torture
- A Student of Fuzail who died the Death of a Disbeliever
- Dying in Disbelief Due to Sinning
- Being Pleased with Death
- Love for the World - Condemned by Reason and Shariat
- Love for this World is an Attribute of Infidels and a Source of Sins
- Dislike for Death and Weeping Over Demise of the Beloved
- Expression of Impatience is the Result of Carelessness about the Hereafter
- Divine Mercies and Bounties
- The Arrival of Ahle Bayt (a.s.) at the Moment of Death
- Even After Death
- Questioning of the Grave
- Questioning about Beliefs and Deeds
- Why this Questioning?
- Unbelievers will see Divine Punishment and Beginning of their Pains
- The Disbeliever will Fail to Reply all Questions
- There will be Questioning about Deeds too
- Deeds are the Companions in Grave
- The Lord of the World Warns
- The Disbeliever will be Accompanied by a Fearsome Face
- Squeeze of the Grave is a Fact
- Squeeze of Grave is Possible Everywhere
- Reasons of Squeeze of the Grave
- Punishment in Barzakh for Non-Fulfillment of the Rights of Others