Does Islam also reject the possibility of evolution in the kingdom of plants and animals just as it seems to reject the possibility of evolution in the kingdom of man?
Muslims do not currently agree in their views on the theory of evolution. Some reject it entirely; some accept it in part (evolution for everything except the creation of Adam); and some accept it entirely. In the latter two cases, evolution is seen as being part of the divine plan.
There are some things in the Qur'an that would seem to concord with some basic ideas of the theory of evolution, such as the statement that Allah created all living things from water; while at the same time, there is no requirement that these things necessitate accepting the theory of evolution, and they can be understood otherwise.
Some of the objection to the theory of evolution in prior decades was due not only to a belief in creationism, but also because the theory of evolution was associated with the West, and so imposing the theory was perceived as a sort of cultural attack. This is less of a concern today as the theory of evolution has become more commonplace.
There is, in any case, no reason in the Qur'an to reject the idea that, regardless of how they were initially created, plants and animals have evolved over time.