Knowing God, His 99 attributes, the Unity of God, and supplicating to Him
- Allah
- Introduction
- Section 1: Knowing Allah
- Muslims Start Everything in the Name of Allah
- How Prophet Muhammad Praised His Lord
- Commonly Asked Questions About "Allah"
- 1. How can you describe Him?
- 2. Can you define Him?
- 3. Can one ask: "What is He?"
- 4. Is He one or more?
- 5. Is He confined to any place?
- 6. When did He begin to exist?
- 7. Over what does He rule?
- 8. What is [the extent of] His knowledge?
- 9. What is His speech?
- 10. How is He?
- 11. Why is He the Praised One?
- 12. What is His will?
- 13. Why is He the all-Knowing, the Omnipotent?
- 14. Does He have sons, daughters, parents, or any family members or relatives?!
- 15. Does He forgive?
- 16. What about His creation?
- 17. Can He be seen?
- 18. How does He command?
- The Ninety Nine Attributes of Allah
- Explanation and derivation of the word "Allah"
- The Attributes of Allah
- 1. "Allah"
- 2. "Al-Rahman"
- 3. "Al-Rahim"
- 4. "Al-Malik"
- 5. "Al-Quddoos"
- 6. "Al-Salam"
- 7. "Al-Mu'min"
- 8. "Al-Muhaimin"
- 9. "Al-`Aziz"
- 10. "Al-Jabbar"
- 11. "Al-Mutakabbir"
- 12. "Al-Khaliq"
- 13. "Al-Bari"
- 14. "Al-Musawwir"
- 15. "Al-Ghaffar"
- 16. "Al-Qahhar"
- 17. "Al-Wahhab"
- 18. "Al-Razzaq"
- 19. "Al-Fattah"
- 20. "Al-`Aleem"
- 21. "Al-Qabid"
- 22. "Al-Basit"
- 23. "Al-Khafid"
- 24. "Al-Rafi`"
- 25. "Al-Mu`izz"
- 26. "Al-Muthill"
- 27. "Al-Samee`"
- 28. "Al-Baseer"
- 29. "Al-Hakam"
- 30. "Al-`Adl"
- 31. "Al-Lateef"
- 32. "Al-Khabeer"
- 33. "Al-Haleem"
- 34. "Al-`Azeem"
- 35. "Al-Ghafoor"
- 36. "Al-Shakoor"
- 37. "Al-`Aliyy"
- 38. "Al-Kabeer"
- 39. "Al-Hafeez"
- 40. "Al-Muqeet"
- 41. "Al-Haseeb"
- 42. "Al-Jaleel"
- 43. "Al-Kareem"
- 44. "Al-Raqeeb"
- 45. "Al-Mujeeb"
- 46. "Al-Wasi`"
- 47. "Al-Hakeem"
- 48. "Al-Wadood"
- 49. "Al-Majeed"
- 50. "Al-Ba`ith"
- 51. "Al-Shaheed"
- 52. "Al-Haqq"
- 53. "Al-Wakeel"
- 54. "Al-Qawiyy" and 55. "Al-Mateen"
- 56. "Al-Waliyy"
- 57. "Al-Hameed"
- 58. "Al-Muhsi"
- 59. "Al-Mubdi"
- 60. "Al-Mu`eed"
- 61. "Al-Muhyi"
- 62. "Al-Mumeet"
- 63. "Al-Hayy"
- 64. "Al-Qayyum"
- 65. "Al-Wajid"
- 66. "Al-Majid"
- 67. "Al-Wahid"
- 68. "Al-Samad"
- 69. "Al-Qadir"
- 70. "Al-Muqtadir"
- 71. "Al-Muqaddim"
- 72. "Al-Mu'akhkhir"
- 73. "Al-Awwal"
- 74. "Al-Akhir"
- 75. "Al-Zahir"
- 76. "Al-Batin"
- 77. "Al-Wali"
- 78. "Al-Muta`ali"
- 79. "Al-Barr"
- 80. "Al-Tawwab"
- 81. "Al-Muntaqim"
- 82. "Al-`Afuww"
- 83. "Al-Ra'oof"
- 84. "Malikul-Mulk"
- 85. "Thul-Jalali wal Ikram"
- 86. "Al-Muqsit"
- 87. "Al-Jami`"
- 88. "Al-Ghaniyy"
- 89. "Al-Mughni"
- 90. "Al-Mani`"
- 91. "Al-Darr"
- 92. "Al-Nafi`"
- 93. "Al-Noor"
- 94. "Al-Hadi"
- 95. "Al-Badee`"
- 96. "Al-Baqi"
- 97. "Al-Warith"
- 98. "Al-Rasheed"
- 99. "Al-Saboor"
- Unity of Allah (Tawhid)
- How to Supplicate to Allah