This book is a collection of a series of traditions, which have been narrated from the Holy Prophet (S), his progeny and companions - all taken from the sources of our Sunni brethren. It also contains sayings and writings of Sunni scholars about the Awaited Mahdi who is from the progeny of Muhammad (S).
By: Sayyid Sadruddin Sadr
Translated by: Jalil Dorrani
Publisehd by: Naba Cultural Organization
- Al-Mahdi
- Dedication
- Presentation
- Introduction
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- The Mahdi is from the Arabs
- The Mahdi is from this Ummah (Nation)
- The Mahdi is From Kinana
- The Mahdi is from the Quraysh
- The Mahdi is from the Banu Hashim
- The Mahdi is from the progeny of ‘Abd al-Muttalib
- The Mahdi is from the progeny of Abu Talib
- The Mahdi is from the descendant (Āl) of Muhammad
- The Mahdi is from the progeny (‘itrah) of the Holy Prophet
- The Mahdi is from the Ahl al-Bayt (family of the Holy Prophet)
- The Mahdi is from the kinsfolk (dhawi al-qurba)
- The Mahdi is from the offspring of the Holy Prophet (al-dhurriyah)
- The Mahdi is from the progeny of ‘Ali
- The Mahdi is from the progeny of Fatimah
- The Mahdi is from the progeny of al-Sibtayn (i.e. al-Hasan and al-Husayn)
- The Mahdi is from the offspring of al-Husayn
- The Mahdi is from the ninth descendant of al-Husayn
- The Mahdi is from the offspring of al-Sadiq
- The Mahdi is from the offspring of al-Ridha
- The Mahdi is from the offspring of al-Hasan al-Askari
- Chapter 3
- The Mahdi and his attributes
- The Mahdi and His Character
- The Mahdi resembles the Messenger of Allah
- The Mahdi and His Conduct
- The Mahdi and his Knowledge
- The Mahdi and his Judgments
- The Mahdi and his Generosity
- The Mahdi and his Rule
- The Mahdi and his Reforms
- The Mahdi and Allegiance
- The Awaited Mahdi is One
- Chapter 4
- The Mahdi and his Distinction
- The Mahdi and his lofty position
- The Mahdi and ‘Isa
- The Mahdi and the Ummah
- The Mahdi and Paradise
- The Mahdi and Obedience
- The Mahdi and the Truth
- The Mahdi and the Caliphate
- The Mahdi and Allegiance
- The Mahdi and the Angels
- Mahdi and People of the Cave
- The Mahdi is the Proof (Hujjah) of Allah
- The Mahdi and the completion of religion
- The Mahdi is the Twelfth Caliph
- Mahdi is the Twelfth Wasi (Legatee)
- Mahdi is the Twelfth Imam
- Mahdi is the Imam of the Age
- Messengership in Childhood and His Imamate
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Traditions on the Occultation (Ghaybah)
- Mahdi and the manner of his occultation
- Mahdi and his place of occultation
- The cellar (sardab) and its pilgrimage
- Philosophy and reason behind the occultation
- The minor and the major occultation
- How people benefit from the hidden Imam
- The Mahdi’s deputies during the period of his occultation
- Chapter 7
- Preface
- Introduction
- The call from the heavens
- Heavenly signs
- Eclipse of the sun and moon
- Discord and hypocrisy among the people
- Cruelty and oppression
- Anarchy
- Killing and Death
- Calamity and Tribulation
- A Sayyid from Khurasan
- The killing of al-Nafs al-Zakkiyah
- The uprising of al-Dajjal
- The uprising of al-Sufyani
- Traditions about the Mahdi in the al-Fusul al-Muhimma
- Chapter 8
- Merits of awaiting for the Mahdi’s appearance
- Refraining from fixing the time of the emergence
- The Mahdi’s emergence at the end of time
- The Mahdi’s qualities on the day of his emergence
- Place of the Mahdi’s emergence
- The place of the Mahdi’s allegiance
- Preparation for the Mahdi’s Triumph
- Events that will occur in the near future
- The Mahdi’s helpers
- The angels will assist the Mahdi
- Descent of ‘Isa ibn Maryam (a.s.)
- The blessings of the Mahdi’s emergence
- The Mahdi’s actions and invitation
- The Mahdi’s Virtuous Way
- The Mahdi’s noble moral traits
- Religion will be completed with the Mahdi
- The Jews and the Christians
- Manifestation of the religion of Islam
- The Mahdi’s reforms
- His conquests and the extent of his rule
- Duration of the Mahdi’s caliphate and rule
- Conclusion