
Advice Of Jesus

The following are the admonitions and advice of Jesus (peace be upon him).

1. Guarding Eyes

If you do not guard your eyes, then it is impossible not to fall headlong into lust.

2. Talking

If man knew after what manner, the soul is transformed by vain talking; he would sooner bite off his tongue with his teeth than talk.

3. The Price Of Gold

The one who would do penance, must give out his words at the price of gold. Therefore, as gold is spent on necessary things, so he will talk only when it is necessary to talk.

4. Two Angels

God has given two angels to every man for notaries, the one writing the good, the other the evil that the man does. If then a man would receive mercy let him measure his talking more than gold is measured.

5. The Truth

You must listen to all, but receive only the truth, seeing that the truth alone bears fruit to eternal life.

6. Evil Doctrine

Every doctrine that turns man aside from his end, which is God, is most evil doctrine. Therefore, there are three things that you should consider in doctrine namely, love towards God, pity towards one's neighbour, and hatred towards your lust, who had offended God, and offends him every day.

7. Hypocrisy

The hypocrites when they do alms desire to be seen and praised of the world. However truly they are vain, seeing that for whom a man works from him does he receive his wages.

8. Love Of God

There is nothing so small received here in the world from the hand of God. Therefore, in return man ought to spend his life for love of God.

9. The Heart

Our God does not seek that our intellect should be good, but rather our heart. On the Day of Judgment, he will not ask us what we have learned, but what we have done.

10. Guarding Ears

He who hearkens to the murmured is likewise guilty, for the one receives Satan on his tongue and the other in his ears.

11. Tribulations

All tribulations are good, either for that they purge the evil that we have done, or are good because they restrain us from doing evil, or are good because they make man to know the condition of this life, in order that we may love and long for eternal life.

12. Reward Or Torment

Every good thing that comes out of a man, truly, man does not do it, but God works it in him, for his being is of God who created him. What man does is to contradict God his creator and to commit sin, and so he merits not reward, but torment.

13. A Single Tear

God is so rich in mercy that the water of a thousand seas, if so, many were to be found, could not quench a spark of the flames of hell. Yet a single tear of one who mourns at having offended God quenches the whole of hell, by the great mercy wherewith God succours him.

14. To Receive The Wisdom

If you have found a torch the fuel of which is tar, in a gloomy night, you will surely seek its light disregarding its malodour. In a like manner, you should receive the wisdom from anybody with whom you find it, disregarding his reluctance to it.

15. The Honour Of The Hereafter

You will not attain the honour of the Hereafter unless you abstain from whatever you desire. Never postpone repentance to tomorrow. Before tomorrow, there is a day and a night during which God’s act is coming and going.

16. The Sinner

Those who are not indebted are surely less grievous than the indebted even if they defray their debts properly. In the same way, those who avoid committing sins are more relaxing and less grievous than the committers of sins, even if they purely repent and return to God.

17. Insignificant Sins

The insignificant sins are the traps of the Satan who persuades you to disregard such sins until they are amassed and surround you.

18. By Deeds And By Words

In wisdom, people are of two kinds; one is that who says the wisdom utterly and applies it to his deeds, and the other is that who says it utterly but wastes it through his evildoings. How difference between the two! Blessed are the scholars by deeds, and woe to the scholars by words.

19. The Mosques

Betake the mosques of your Lord as prisons of your bodies and foreheads. Make your hearts the residences of God-fearing. Do not make them the shelters of lusts.

20. The Most Abstinent

The most intolerant against misfortunes will be certainly the fondest of the worldly pleasures, and the most tolerant is the most abstinent.

21. Tainted Hearts

It is useless to have a sound physique while the interior is corrupted. Hence, your sound bodies should not admire you when your hearts are tainted. It is also useless to purify your skins when your hearts are dirty.

22. Like The Candle

Do not be like sieves that let the good flour pass and hold the bran. Likewise, you should not speak of wisdom while treason is filling in your hearts. O slaves of the world! Indeed, you are like the candle, which gives light to others and burns itself.

23. Compassionate

Blessed be those who compassionate each other; they will be compassionated on the Day of Resurrection. Blessed be those who reestablish relations between people; they will be favoured on the Day of Resurrection.

24. The Realm Of The Heavens

Blessed be those whom are insulted for their cleanness. They will have the realm of the heavens. Blessed be you when you are envied, insulted, or hear every false ugly word. Only then, you should be happy and delighted, for your heavenly rewards will be increased.

25. Criticize Yourself!

O bad servants (of God), you criticize people for their conjecture, but do not criticize yourselves for conviction.

26. Well-Constructed Tombs

O slaves of this world; you shave your heads, wear short dresses, and nod your heads down (as a sign of piety), but you do not uproot hatred from your hearts. You are just like the well-constructed tombs; they attract the attentions of those who look at them, while their interiors contain only the bones of the dead that are full of sins.

27. Sessions Of The Scholars

Overcrowd the sessions of the scholars, even if you have to run to them on your knees. God will refresh the dead hearts by means of the illumination of wisdom in the same way the heavy rainfall refreshes the derelict lands.

28. Fewness Of Speech

Little utterance is a great perception; therefore, keep silent for it is a good meekness, fewness of sins, and forgiveness of guilt.

29. The Ruler

The rulers should be acting like the shepherds whose eyes are not turned away from their herd. They also should not treat their subjects arrogantly.

30. In Your Secrets

Be ashamed of God in your secrets in the same way you are ashamed of people in your open deeds.

31. The Believers’ Lost

The wording of wisdom is the believers’ lost. Therefore, adhere to the knowledge before it is removed. The removal of knowledge is the absence of its people.

32. Tolerate Dismayed Matters!

You will never attain what you want unless you desert your desires. Likewise, you will never win your hopes unless you tolerate the matters that you hate.

33. Beware Of Looking!

Beware of gazing (at forbidden matters), for a single look may delve passion in the heart. Passion, then, is a sufficient seditious matter for its bearers. Blessed be those who make their sights in their hearts and not make their hearts in the sight of their eyes.

34. People’s Defects

Do not go after people’s defects as if you are lords. Rather you should inspect your defects like the slaves.

35. Sick Or Healthy

People are either sick or healthy. Be kind to the sick and thank God for the health.

36. Build Good Relation!

Have you not listened to what had been said to you in the Torah? It was said to you, "Regard and reward your relatives." I, now say to you, "build good relations with those who rupture their relations with you, bestow upon them who deprived you, treat those who mistreated you with good turn, greet those who reviled at you, treat justly those who disputed you, and pardon those who wronged you in the same way you want your wrongdoings to be pardoned."

37. Superiority Over Stupid

If you like only those who like you, do favours only to those who do favours to you, and reward only those who gave you, then what is your preference to the others? Even the foolish ones who lack favours and good thoughts do so.

38. Friends Of God

If you want to be the dears and choice of God, you should treat those who mistreated you with good turn, pardon those who wronged you, and greet those who turned away from you.

39. Treasures

Your hearts are inclined to wherever your treasures are. For that reason, people like their treasures eagerly. Put your treasures in the heavens where mites cannot reach them and thieves cannot find a way to them.

40. Serving Two Lords

A servant cannot serve two lords, because he will unquestionably prefer one to the other although he may exert all efforts (for dealing with them equally). In the same manner, you cannot love God and the worldly pleasures in the same time.

41. The Worst Of People

The worst of people is a knowledgeable person who prefers his worldly pleasures to his knowledge; therefore, he loved and sought the worldly pleasures and exerted all efforts for gaining them to the degree that he would engage all the people in perplexity if only he could.

42. Useless Knowledge

The enlargement of sunlight is useless for the sightless. In like fashion, the knowledge of a scholar is useless for him unless he applies what he knows to his conduct.

43. Lying Scholars

Be careful of the lying scholars who wear wool dresses and nod the heads to the ground (out of showing off) so that they will falsify to make wrongdoings. Their sayings contradict their actions. How can one expect to harvest grapes from boxthorns or figs from colocynth? Thus, are ineffectual and false the words of the untruthful scholars.

44. Containers Of Wisdom

Hearts are good containers of wisdom provided that they are not pierced by passions, soiled by greed, or hardened by bliss.

45. The First Oppressor

A fire that begins in one house will move to many others to burn them all, unless the first house is destructed from its base so that fire will not find wood to burn. In the same manner, if the first oppressor is punished and stopped, then no partial ruler, whose steps are pursued, will come out after him.

46. Warn Your Friend!

He who did not warn his brother against the snake that was stepping towards him and killed him is not acquitted of being a partner in that killing. Likewise, he who did not warn his brother against the consequence of an evildoing is not acquitted of being undergoing a share in the punishment of that evildoing.

47. Condemn The Oppressor!

He who did not censure an oppressor, while he was able to do so, is considered as same as that evildoer. How will the oppressor fear of committing wrongdoings while he is safe among you, as long as you do not warn him against so, censure, or punish him? How will the oppressors stop then?

48. Fear Of People

How do you hope that God would save you from the horror on the Day of Resurrection while you are neglecting the acts of obedience to Him out of your fear of people and committing acts of disobedience to Him out of your compliance with them? Furthermore, you are fulfilling people’s pledges that are contrary to your pledges with God.

49. Meeting God

Only for a lowly life and an awful passion, you are neglecting the realm of Paradise and the horror of the Day of Resurrection. Only for a transient favour and an interrupted life, you are going away from God and detest meeting Him. How will God then like meeting you when you dislike meeting Him?

50. God’s Favourites

How do you claim that you are the chosen people of God to the exclusion of all other people while you hate death and hold fast to the world? The adorned pleasures of your world are of no benefit to you because they all will expire and wipe out.

51. Knowledge For Hereafter

O slaves of this world, woe to you! You carry lamps in sunlight, which is a sufficient light for you, while you leave them when you are in darkness, which is its proper time. In the same manner, you have used the illumination of knowledge for your worldly affairs while they are settled for you and have neglected using it for your affairs of the the Hereafter for which you have been given (that knowledge).

52. Hard Hearts

Hearts that are not made softened by mention of death and not fatigued by the continuous (rituals of) worship will be severe and hard.

53. Harder Than Rock

It is useless for a dark house to put a lamp on its surface when its inside is gloomy and dreary. Similarly, it is useless for you to have the illumination of knowledge on your tongues while your interiors are gloomy and dead. Hurry up to light up your gloomy houses (with lamps) and hurry up to light up your hard hearts with wisdom before they are overwhelmed by sins, and then they will be harder than rocks.

54. Lending God

How can anyone have the affection of his intimate friend in perfect without offering him a part of his efforts? Likewise, how can a servant have the affection of his Lord in perfect without lending Him some of His sustenance?

55. The Appreciative

God is not affected by the abundance of His gifts and endowments that He provides to you. In fact, it is you who are survived by God’s sustenance. He increases (His endowments to) those who thank Him, for He is indeed Appreciative and All-knowing.

56. Time Of Death

Do not think that time of your death will be postponed for you have not yet faced death. In fact, death is about to inflict you and take you away. From this moment, you should put the call to the right in your hearings. From this moment, you should mourn yourselves. From this time, you should weep for your evildoings. From this moment, you should supply for yourselves and be ready. Take the initiative to repent to your Lord.

57. The Diseased

The diseased looks at the delicious meals but he cannot find them tasty because of the intensity of pain that he feels. The same, the worldly-minded ones cannot find the good taste of worship because they are controlled by fondness of (collecting) property.

58. Root Of Sins

Indeed, the fondness of this world is the root of every evildoing.

59. Permanent Prayer

Permanent prayer is the best thing through which the honour of the Hereafter is attained and the worldly misfortunes are alleviated. It is surely the closest thing to the Beneficent; therefore, preserve in it and offer it as much as possible.

60. Harvest

How can a sower of barley harvest wheat or a sower of wheat harvest barley? In the same way, each one will harvest in the Hereafter, only what he sowed and will be rewarded according to what he did.

61. Fondness Of Worldly Pleasures

Water will surely wet the dress of him who wants to cross a river despite the great efforts that he exerts for saving his dress from wetness. In the same manner, he who is fond of the worldly pleasures will not be saved from evildoings.

62. The Ranch

Indeed, this world is created as a ranch in which the servants plant the sweet, the bitter, the evil, or the good. The result of the good will be advantageous on the Day of Judgment, while the result of evil will be only hardship and suffering on the harvest time.

63. Seal Your Mouth!

I advise you to seal your mouths with silence so that they -your mouths- will not utter unlawful things.

64. For The Hereafter

Indeed, God has given you this world as a means by which you work for the Hereafter, not to engage you from the Hereafter.

65. Worthless Faith

Indeed, planting is worthless unless there is water and soil. In the same manner, faith is worthless unless there is knowledge and deed.

66. God’s Outrage

Blessed be him who detains his surplus wording for fear that it may causes God’s outrage; speaks only of what he understands, and does not praise anyone for a wording before he notices the application of that wording to the conduct (of the speaker).

67. Learn And Teach!

Blessed be he who learns from the scholars what he does not know and conveys to the ignorant what he learnt.

68. The Most Lovable

God the Blessed the Exalted says, "My faithful servants become sad when I take the worldly pleasures away from them, while this is the most lovable and the most favourable thing for Me. They feel happy when I bestow upon them with many worldly pleasures, while this is the most detestable and the remotest thing from Me."

69. Serving God

No man can in any wise, serve two masters that are at enmity one with the other, for if one of them loves you, the other will hate you. Even so, you cannot serve God and the world.

70. Good For Evil

Do not render evil for evil, for so do all the worst animals; but render good for evil.


Most Beloved Jesus!

Thank you.

I thank God for you.

Thank you for all the suffering and pain you endured for us.

Thank you for all the insults you took.

Thank you for all the blows you sustained.

Thank you for all the tireless hours you spent bringing this beautiful message to us.

I am so blessed to be a believer, and I thank God for that immense gift.

I love you excessively much to belittle your struggle for the faith.

I love you so much, O Friend of God.

I love you so much.


And the end of our prayer is:

‟Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds!” (10:10)

May the Lord bless you and protect you.

May the Lord smile on you

and be gracious to you.

May the Lord show you His favour

and give you His peace.