Abolfazl Sabouri

Abolfazl Sabouri is based in New Zealand and has an MA in Jurisprudence and Islamic Studies. He is a graduate of Elmiyeh seminary in Qom with more than 15 years of study and research where he has also taught Tafsir, Theology and Jurisprudence.


Abolfazl Sabouri, Abolfazl Sabouri is based in New Zealand and has an MA in Jurisprudence and Islamic Studies. He is a graduate of Elmiyeh seminary in Qom with more than 15 years of study and research where he has... Answered 3 years ago

In the case of other Muharrams, such as uncles , there is not much difference with others like father or brother, except for differences based on the culture of that community. But logically there is difference between husband and others.


Abolfazl Sabouri, Abolfazl Sabouri is based in New Zealand and has an MA in Jurisprudence and Islamic Studies. He is a graduate of Elmiyeh seminary in Qom with more than 15 years of study and research where he has... Answered 3 years ago

It is not allowed. Our body and soul are a trust from God and the time of death is in His hands.


Abolfazl Sabouri, Abolfazl Sabouri is based in New Zealand and has an MA in Jurisprudence and Islamic Studies. He is a graduate of Elmiyeh seminary in Qom with more than 15 years of study and research where he has... Answer updated 3 years ago

It is because of different ahadith.

The position of the hand in prayer may not be very important, but a scholar must determine who he should refer to after the demise of Prophet to receive the his Sunnah, and  he should know that who is his Ulolamr. Should he refer to the Ahl al-Bayt or he can refer to the companions of the Prophet, even though some of them, they don't know deeply about Islam?

The followers of Ahlulbeit are called Shia and the followers of companions are called Sonni.


Abolfazl Sabouri, Abolfazl Sabouri is based in New Zealand and has an MA in Jurisprudence and Islamic Studies. He is a graduate of Elmiyeh seminary in Qom with more than 15 years of study and research where he has... Answered 3 years ago

Salam alaykom

Islam is the religion of mercy.

Islam teaches us that we are responsible to others. We must be kind to God's creatures. Whenever the Qur'an advises us to donate, it does not make it specific to Muslims.

Yes, if you have to choose between a poor believer and an infidel, it is preferable to help the believer.


Abolfazl Sabouri, Abolfazl Sabouri is based in New Zealand and has an MA in Jurisprudence and Islamic Studies. He is a graduate of Elmiyeh seminary in Qom with more than 15 years of study and research where he has... Answered 4 years ago

It is clear that this Hadith is fake. Ali is the Master of believers according to Qur'an 5:55

And he is the one who we must obey and follow according to Qur'an 4:59


Abolfazl Sabouri, Abolfazl Sabouri is based in New Zealand and has an MA in Jurisprudence and Islamic Studies. He is a graduate of Elmiyeh seminary in Qom with more than 15 years of study and research where he has... Answered 5 years ago

To complete the answers:

To inter heaven the person must be pure and perfect. Punishment is because of the mercy of God to pure the one who has infected himself by his own will.

Therefore, in chapter al-Rahman, hellfire has been counted as one of the blessings of Allah. 


Abolfazl Sabouri, Abolfazl Sabouri is based in New Zealand and has an MA in Jurisprudence and Islamic Studies. He is a graduate of Elmiyeh seminary in Qom with more than 15 years of study and research where he has... Answered 5 years ago

According to Islam all humans are the servants of Allah and slavery is wrong. However the time of Prophet a lot of people were slave and slavery was acceptable in the world. Islam started to teach people that it is wrong and to free the slaves step by step . First Islam gave them rights and made rules to support them.... 

Anyway according to Islam the female slaves were like the wife of the owner and the male slaves were mahram. 


Abolfazl Sabouri, Abolfazl Sabouri is based in New Zealand and has an MA in Jurisprudence and Islamic Studies. He is a graduate of Elmiyeh seminary in Qom with more than 15 years of study and research where he has... Answered 5 years ago

If he started propagating against Islam, then he/she will be punished.

Verse 3:86 & 87 in the Quran are about irtedad but it is not about punishment. It is in ahadith. 


Abolfazl Sabouri, Abolfazl Sabouri is based in New Zealand and has an MA in Jurisprudence and Islamic Studies. He is a graduate of Elmiyeh seminary in Qom with more than 15 years of study and research where he has... Answer updated 5 years ago

When we say Prophet, if we mean that high level of humanity it was and it is possible even for women to be Prophet, to receive message from Allah at least for herself. 

But Prophet as a person who receives message from Allah and send it to people :

1. It is not easy to prove that all Messengers were men, as we do not know all of them.

2. (if we accept that all of them were men) It was a hard job that according to situations of that time it was not proper for women.

3. According to understanding of some scholars from Quran, saint Mary was a Prophet! So even women could be Messengers. 


Abolfazl Sabouri, Abolfazl Sabouri is based in New Zealand and has an MA in Jurisprudence and Islamic Studies. He is a graduate of Elmiyeh seminary in Qom with more than 15 years of study and research where he has... Answered 5 years ago

Yes your fast is valid. 


Abolfazl Sabouri, Abolfazl Sabouri is based in New Zealand and has an MA in Jurisprudence and Islamic Studies. He is a graduate of Elmiyeh seminary in Qom with more than 15 years of study and research where he has... Answered 5 years ago



Abolfazl Sabouri, Abolfazl Sabouri is based in New Zealand and has an MA in Jurisprudence and Islamic Studies. He is a graduate of Elmiyeh seminary in Qom with more than 15 years of study and research where he has... Answered 5 years ago

If fasting is very difficult for a person then he can do it later.