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17 Questions

We find in the narrations that the Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) has informed Hafsa daughter of Omar a secret about the turn back of many persons including her father and his group which will happen after his life. She disclosed thecsecret to Aysha daughter of Abu Bakr. Allah (SWT) informed the Prophet (SAWA) about the conspiracy of these two wives along with their group against the Prophet (SAWA).

Allah (SWT) Has threatened them if they don't repent and leave conspiring against the Prophet (SAWA), Allah is his Supported and Jibreel and the best if the believers and all angles will his supporters.( Surat, verse 4.)

Ahlebait (Ahlul Bayt) (AS) is a term for special Prigeny of the Prphet (SAWA) who are been purified by Allah in Sura 33, verse 33.

 The Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) has clearly identified the members of Ahlebait (AS) in authentic Hadeeths and said clearly that they are Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husain. He did not allow any of his wives to to with Ahlebait despite of demand some of them like Um Salamah and Ayesha.


Aisha was a mature woman and not a child as some people claim when she got married with Prophet (SAWA). What is famous among our Sunni brothers according to some of their books, that she was seven or nine years old girl. This is among many famous things which have no authentic evidence as it said in Arabic رُبَّ مشهور لا أصلَ له

They wanted to create a virtue for Aisha by claiming that she was very young when she got married to the Prophet (SAWA). This claim of her very young age contradicts with facts mentioned in their own Sunni books which mentioned the age of her sister Asmaa' Bint Abi Bakr who was ten years older than her.

First fact: Asmaa' Bint Abi Bakr was born 27 years before the Bi'thah of the Prophet (The start of Islam). This fact has been mentioned in many prominent Sunni books like:

Mo'jam Al-Zawaa'id , v.9, p.260.

Omdatol Qaari, 2:93.

al-Mo'jam Al-Kabeer by al-Tabaraani , 24:77.

Tareekh Dimishq by Ibn Asaakir 69:9.

Tahtheeb Al-Asmaa',2:593

Osd Al-Ghaabah, 5:392.

al-Isaabah , 8:14.

Second fact: Aisha was ten years younger than her sister Asmaa'. This fact has been mentioned in many Sunni books like : 

al-Estee'aab 2:616

al-Sunan Al-Khubra by Al-Bayhaqi 6:204

Siyar A'laam Al-Nubalaa' 2:295

Tahtheeb Al-Tahtheeb 2:398

Tareekh Al-Islam by al-Thahabi 5:354

al-Bidayah wal Nihayah 8:381
Osd Al-Ghaabah 5:392

These two facts lead to the fact of the age of Aisha. She was born seventeen years before the Bi'thah. The Prophet remained in Makkah for 13 years the migrated to Madinah. This means that Aisha was thirty years old when the prophet migrated to Madina. The marriage took place two years after migration which means that Aisha was thirty two years old when the marriage was consummated.

Many Sunni scholars have rejected the narrations in their own books about the small age of Aisha despite being narrated in Bukhari book. 
Many enemies of Islam have attacked the Prophet because of the claimed very young age of Aisha which is claimed by some Muslims.

'We have authentic evidence as you can read above that Aisha was never a child, but was over thirty years.


The marriages of the Prophets are never for sexual desires but for purpose of serving the message of Allah (SWT) including avoiding expected bigger harm on the message and testing the degree of the faith of the people especially after the Prophet's life. Prophet Noah and Prophet Lut got married with wives who were away from obeying Allah and obeying them as Allah has mentioned them in Quran as the example of non believers (Sura 66, verse 10) despite being wives of prophets. This confirms that the degree of a person is not by relation but by sincere faith and obedience to Allah and His messenger. The marriage of the Prophet (SAWA) with Aisha was because of the demand of Abu Bakr , her father, likewise the marriage with Hafsa was by a demand from her father Umar. The Prophet (SAWA) wanted to avoid the harm which can happen to the newly established Muslim society in Madinah.

The very important aim of distinguishing between real believer and superficial one, was achieved when Aisha stood and fought against Imam Ali (AS) the real successor of the Prophet (SAWA) and she was followed by those Muslims who were not concrete in their faith. Wife of Prophet Musa (AS) did similar when she led an army to fight against the successor of Musa. History repeats itself.

'Such persons attract those who carry the name and claim but don't really follow the teachings of the Prophet. Allah says in Quran: Allah will never leave the believers in the state in which you are now until He distinguishes the wicked from the good. (Sura 3, verse 179).
