Ask A Question About Islam And Muslims

32 Questions

Salaamun Alaykum

I refer you to the Qur'an 41:31 and 43:71 where we are told that in Jannah we will be given "whatever we desire". This is a generic reply to all queries about Jannah and the rewards waiting there.

In addition, I would also point out that we should not expect the next life to be like this life. Yes, there are similarities between this life and the next, but the next life is essentially different. And so any description in the Qur'an is an allegory, not meant to be the complete picture, but rather an allegory intended to increase our yearning for the reward that God has promised the righteous.

And God knows best.

May He include us in His ultimate Mercy


The ascension to the heaven ( Mi'raj) was not just a spiritual experience but was a real physical journey as it is clear in Quran ( Glorious is He, Who took His servant in night journey from the Masjud Al-Haraam to al-Masjid Al-Aqsa) (Sura al-Isra', verse 1). It never says that Allah Has taken the spirit of His servant, but Taken His servant which means the full physical journey and never by is spirit only.


The marriage of Imam Ali (AS) with Lady Fatima (AS) was ordained by Allah (SWT) when He ordered the Prophet Muhammad (SAWA): ZAWWIJ ALNOOR MINAL NOOR ( Arrangvthe marriage of the Noor (Ali) with the Noor (Fatima).

This Hadeeth was narrated in many Sunni books like Al-Mustadrak ALAL-Saheehain by Al-Haakim Al-Nisabouri (Volume 3, page 125).

This means that that marriage marriage was by order from Allah (SWT).


Whispering of Shaitan does not need his physical presence in front of us, as Shaitan is able to whisper to us from far and we don't see him. Shaitan whispered to Adam and Eve and Talal oath that he is advising them for their benefit. They never thought that anyone can take a false oath. They did not commit any sin by eating from the tree because they were never been ordered but just been advised. Doing against an advice is not a sin but it was better to avoid it.
