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21 Questions

The Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) never placed his forehead in Sajda but on clay or a material from the clay. He said: ( Earth is a place of my prostration and source of purification جُعِلَت لي الأرضُ مسجدا وطَهورا . This Hadeeth is narrated in Sunni books including Saheeh Al-Bukhari.

Placing palms, knees and feet must be on Taahir (pure) item but not necessarily on clay. This is according to authentic Hadeeths from the Prophet (SAWA). Details of these Hadeeths are mentioned in our jurisprudence books like Jawahir  Al-Kalaam and our Hadeeth books like Wasaa'il Al-Shia by Al-Hurr Al-Aamily.



We may only prostrate on things that are permissible to prostrate on. See the section of prostration in the books of fiqh

It is permissible 

1. It is obligatory to perform our Prayer as the Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) performed Prayer as he has ordered every Muslim (Perform Prayers as you saw me performing Prayers) (.صَلّوا كما رآيتموني أُصَلّي ).

2. The Prophet (SAWA) never performed a Prayer but by putting his forehead on the earth or something from earth except textile or edible and said جُعِلَت ليَ الأرضُ مسجدا وطَهوراً  (Earth was ordained for me a place of prostration and purification (Tayammum).

3. Prostration on carpet is a Bid’ah which never done by the Prophet nor Ahlul Bayt or any pious companion of the Prophet. Leading Sunni Shaikh said that prostrating on carpet (Sajjada ) is a Bid’ah.

4. We don’t prostrate putting our forehead but only on the earth or anything from earth except textile and edible. That is because we obey and follow the Prophet Muhammad (SAWA). This obligatory to keep our Prayer valid by following the order of the Prophet (SAWA).

5. We can put our forehead on any pure clay, though the clay of Karbala has been praised in many authentic Hadeeths being a sacred place, that is why use it as place for prostration as a recommended act.
