Predestination is everything in life which is out of our will or control like our creation, our birth place,v our family,our skin color, or height, our eyes color , our body functioning etc. every predestined matter is never part of our our responsibility. Our faith and deeds are our responsibility and every one with be questioned about his faith and deeds. Allah (ASWT) Says in Quran :And stop them, verily they will be questioned. Sura Saffar, verse 24. Sura 65:3 says that everything created by Allah has a discipline and order. It never says that our deeds are destined or I forced in us. Allah Says in Quran ( We Have guided him ( human being) the way, and he decides to be grateful of disgraceful) Sura Al-Insaan, verse 3. Wassalam. |
Yes of course. Good deeds and sincere supplications change our life and make us more safe, more blessed and more successful. Doing good to your parents and relatives makes your income (Rizq) more and make your life longer. Always doing good makes our life better as doing bad makes life more difficult. Wassalam. |
Our Rizq ( lawful income) is destined but not every income is destined. Those who take unlawful income can not claim it as destined because they have chosen it against the teachings of Islam. Those who do wrong can never claim it acdestine. Wassalam. |
1. We have in many Hadeeths that Allah has created the Qalam (The Pen), and the Qalam has been ordered by Allah to write what will be happening till the Day of Judgement. 7. What was been written in the Qalam is everything which was happening, and which will happen till the day of judgement. No doubt we as a human beings are included but we should understand that the destiny which is enforced on us does not mean at all that our faith and deeds are also enforced on us. Allah the Glorious, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate, the Absolute Wise did not force us to do bad and no one can claim that he is doing bad because it is his destiny. Destiny is our shape, our gender, our skin colour, our eyes colour, our parents, our place of birth and other things which are out of our control. But our faith and our deeds is under our own option and our own Choice. Our faith and deeds are never enforced on us.
Wassalam. |