You need first to understand your own religion and study its principles and foundations before delving in other religions. You must study properly under an able scholar and be sure and firm about your faith, then delve in other religions. This is to protect you from misleading propaganda of others.
Anti Christ is a misleading person who will be killed by Al-Mahdi (AS). Jesus Christ (AS) will come down from the sky to this earth and will join Imam Al-Mahdi (AS) as one of his supporters and will pray behind him.
The government of Imam Al-Mahdi (AS) will last very long as we read in the narrations that: The rule of the Justice will long as much as the injustice ruled.
The person who claims such claim needs to read more about Imam Al-Mahdi (AS) who is the divine leader who will establish the world government of peace and justice for all human beings.
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