We believe that Allah The Exalted does not have a physical shape and He is not limited to a place. Allah SWT said in Quran about Himself ''LAYSA KA MITHLIHI SHAY'E'' Surah 42 Ayah 11, which means nothing at all is similar to Allah SWT. Allah SWT does not have any objective existence, but he is everywhere, and he mentioned that the most humble of his servants hear on His behalf, and they serve Him and implement His orders. '' Ears'' of Allah SWT are those most pious servants who hear on behalf of Allah. ''Eyes'' of Allah SWT are the most humble servants who Seefor the sake of Allah SWT. ''Hands'' of Allah SWT are those most humble servants who implement the orders of Allah SWT using their hands for the sake of Allah. So there is no Literal meaning in these words at all, but these words should be understood as part of understanding the Arabic language, which uses the words as can be understood as the the literal word.
Thank you for your question. God is unlimited and superabundant. His Attributes, such as power, knowledge and beauty have no limit or cause and so in Shii theology they are considered to be the same as His Essence. What is discouraged in hadith is to think of His Essence in and of itself as a human is unable to comprehend anything without a point of reference. The Essence is therefore completely unknowable as there is no point of reference with which we can understand it. Rather, we have been encouraged to reflect on His creation and the aspects of the Attributes that are reflected in creation, like His power, knowledge and beauty, while realising that creation can only manifest a limited amount of perfection due to its limitations. When we speak of creation manifesting the Attributes of God, that is because nothing created essentially owns any perfection. Nothing is essentially powerful, knowledgeable or beautiful, let alone existent without God as the source of those attributes. They cannot have those attributes even momentarily without God and so they manifest what truly belongs to God alone. This framework of manifestation is accepted among many philosophers and mystics but other scholars may have different ideas on the issue.
A similar thing could be said for the Angel of Death: people are dying around the clock, and yet the Angel of Death is always on time!
Shaytan is a similar example - he can act on and be aware of many people at once, regardless of where they are located, without infringing on divinity.
Moving along from these morbid examples... My understanding is that once the soul leaves this world, it is not subject to the same restrictions of physical reality that we experience here (such as regarding space and time).
That could especially be said for those who have a high position near Allah, as well as other created beings which do not primarily exist on earth, such as archangels and the ruh.
Possibly they are able to "stretch" into various places at once while remaining in a place near Allah.
This is my understanding - Allah knows best.
In any case, this particular belief does not require ascribing them a divine attribute, although people may accept or reject the belief, or accept or reject the explanation.
Allah, The Glorious is everywhere and He sees everything every moment as we believe and read in Quran (He is with you where you may be) Sura 57, Verse 4.
'The Prophet Muhammad and his successors are granted knowledge by Allah as and when Allah wants. Their knowledge is gifted to them by Allah. Allah's knowledge is His own and never given to Him.
Infallible Imams are the most humble servants of Allah after the Prophet (SAWA).
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