Bukhari book known as Saheeh al-Bukhari has mentioned in its original editions Alaihis Salam for Ahlul Bayt in many places of his book. Same in many other Sunni books of Hadeeth like Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Ibn Abi Assim in Kitab Al-Sunnah, Ibn Battat in Kitab Al-Ebaanah and Al-Lalakaei in Shah Osool Ahlul Sunnah.
Many promenant Sunni scholars like Shaikh Adnan Ebraheem of Palestine and many other Sunni scholars use Alaihi Assalam for Ahlul Bayt (AS).
Seeking help from the most humble servants of Allah who do everything by permission from Allah, is seeking help from Allah. We seek help from the Prophet (SAWA) and Imam Ali (AS) because of their greatest status with Allah, which makes their Du'a for us accepted rather than our direct Du'a because of our sins. Saying Ya Rasolallah or Ya Ali Madad is based on the firm faith that they are the best servants of Allah and their intercession helps us by permission of Allah.
Never listen to Wahabi false propaganda which claims that it is Shirk or polythemy.. They do not understand the real meaning of Tawheed as it is in Quran and authentic Hadeeths.
Quranic verses are clear that the Prophet (SAWA) helps the believers and he is very sympathetic on them, and he is the source of blessings on the believers.
'The Infallible Imams are the real successors of the Prophet (SAWA) and did and still do the same to help the believers. They are in fact the keys to open the gates of mercy for the believers and we have many authentic narrations stating that.
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