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153 Questions

This narration in Bukhari came from Uriah ibn al-Zubair narrating from his aunt Ayisha Bint Abi Bakr. Many of great Ulama from Shia and Sunni schools refute this narration and openly say that it is a fabricated narration aiming to hide the reality behind the incident of poisoning the Prophet Muhammad (SAWA).

The Quranic verses 69:44-47 were wrongly translated by a translator who does not know Arabic properly. Arabic word (Lao لو) does not mean simple (If) but it is used for the impossible only. حرف امتناع لامتناع . Same (Lao لو) came in Quran to prove that there no God with Allah and if there was a god with Allah, the whole skies and earth would have spoiled لو كان فيهما آلهة إلا الله لفسدتا

This (Lao لو) is used for the impossible.

You will see that the Prophet (SAWA) never changed nor claimed anything from himself.


We did not have any evidence that the Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) had been to this location or any other sea. Who claims that the Prophet had been there needs to present an authentic evidence. You can ask him for his authentic evidence then send it on this website so that we can verify its authenticity.


The tyrant rulers and their oppression on Ahlul Bayt (SS) and their descendants were behind migrations from Madina then from Iraq, Yemen, Iran and other places. The routes of migrations went to many direction on this earth. Ahlul Bayt descendants migrated whenever they faced dander from the tyrant rulers to different place on this planet. That us why, you find Sadat in almost all the continents whose grand fathers have migrated to different countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia and the Americas.


The examples of noble attitude of the Prophet (SAWA) are more than counting. Imam Ali (AS) was asked similar question to count the noble ethics of the Prophet (SAWA). He replied the person by a question: Can you count the bounties in this work? The person replied: No, I can never count them. Imam Ali (AS) replied him: All bounties of this world are little as Allah Said in Quran (Qum Mataa' Al-Dunia Wakeel), so how you want me to count the noble ethics of the Prophet which are great (Wa INNAKA La Ala Khuluqin A'dheem)?

All the life of the Prophet (SAWA) in Makkah, Madina, at home, with people, in peace and in war and every situation is full of examples of his humbleness and noble ethics and he never imposed himself on people.
